Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Special Feast

Our second Thanksgiving in Seattle is over and it has been a "special feast" and I am quoting Victor on this statement. When I was done cleaning up tonight after dinner was over and our guests were gone, Victor came up to me and said: "mom, we had all these people over and our house was was a very special feast, just like the whos in whoville!" I was thankful as I often feel, to be able to see life through the eyes of my kids. They still see things with the eyes of the innocent, so uncomplicated and real. After hearing him say this, I realized that we are not alone, although we are not near our loved ones, God always provides the way to show his love to us. This Thanksgiving we borrowed a family, the family of our very special friends - friends who have been our "life line" during this hard move. We had the pleasure of hosting Thanksgiving for them and their family and although they felt we were doing them a favor by having them over, in reality, we were the ones receiving the favor. Because we were hosting them, we worked hard, as a family, cooking and baking and cleaning together and we enjoyed the experience so much, like we had never done before. If we had not asked them over, we would probably had gone out, to a restaurant, in an attempt to forget that we are far away from home; instead, we decided to be thankful for what we have instead of missing what we feel we have lost - it seems like it was the best choice after all!

Its' been said that giving is how we receive. Today, on Thanksgiving day, we are thankful for everything we have received but most of all we are thankful for being able to give and then receive, twice as much the amount given. It has indeed been a "special feast."

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