Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An emergency pillow and a tale of two brothers

Everyone needs an emergency pillow! I hope you have one because if you don't, what would you do in case of an emergency? Now, what kind of emergency would require an "emergency" pillow? well, in Frankie's own words, an "emergency" would be when your brother decides to visit your bed in the middle of the night but forgets to bring along his pillow...This is when an emergency pillow comes in handy! But the emergency pillow is not for your brother, it's for you...your brother gets your pillow because he is the guest at your bed and you get your handy-dandy-big orange pillow that always remains on the side of your bed just in case of an "emergency" - check!

Frankie understands, as well as a four-year-old is able to understand, how important it is for him to be there for his big brother. What he doesn't understand yet is that this bond will carry them in the future through the good times and the bad times, and an emergency pillow will come in different shapes as they grow up. It will become a place to stay; an ear to listen; a shoulder to lean on; a warm meal; a drink to celebrate or to grieve together; a word of advice. Victor knows that his job as a big brother is to protect and to guide Frankie but even a super-cool-big-brother like Victor needs a loving little brother like Frankie from time to time. There is nothing better in a dark, scary night than a little brother who always has a warm spot for you in his bed and who understands your fears without judging. Childhood memories and the magic they have doesn't have to wear off with the passing of the years because there will always be bad monsters, bad nights and dark times, no matter how old you are but there will always be big brothers and little brothers to face them together.

Good night and dream on...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love it! :)