We have finally moved and it has already been one week and two days....So far, we have survived one holiday and we have two more to go before the year is over! Of course, we have prepared ourselves with the latest technology gear to survive away from our loved ones - T-Mobile phones with our FavFives, high speed internet access, land line with free long distance and even a Miami area code number with a router to our lines - and still, we feel like we have moved to an island...and not exactly a tropical one! It's cold. It's definetely cold. I can't stress enough the fact that I am freezing...It's not as bad yet to make me long for the sweet days of 90+ degrees but I am getting there...real fast. The kids don't seem to mind the cold that much with the exception of an occacional complaint regarding the weather but other than those very far in between "Miami withdraws", they are enjoying their "extended" vacation in Seattle. We are living in the greater Seattle area, in a city called Shoreline, located to the North East of Seattle. Although this area does not have the charm of the classic Northwest architecture so present in other areas (Queen Anne, Freemont, Green Lake), it's centrally located with access to many commercial areas and within a very decent commute time to downtown Seattle. We are very pleased with the area and every day we get more and more acquianted with our usual spots (Sam's Club, Coscto, Walmart, Blockbusters, etc.) and have made new additions to our hang out favorites.
OOOOps! There I go again getting scared by the darn washer machine, thinking there is an earthquake and that I have to run for my life and go get the kids out of bed! I have to get over the earthquake drama or I will have a heart attack before we actually get to experience one But then again, in the event of an earthquake, I am not sure exactly what I would do once I get everyone downstairs; being from Nicaragua, I am no stranger to strong earth shakes but the plan I used to follow over there is not going to work here....To begin with, the house we are leasing is at the end of a hill, on the edge of a cliff and has a ditch as a backyard...charming place. There are not many choices to run out to but to the front porch, which, is at the bottom of the flipping hill....doesn't seem very safe to me. Well, I will have to sit with Raci and figure out what we can do, other than moving back to Miami, in order to deal with this menace. Man, I always said it: Hurricanes are always a better choice with it comes to natural disasters; I will take them anytime over earthquakes, FOR REAL!!!